auto_geiger Instance which accessible from bot struct.
enabled : Boolean property to enable/disable auto geiger.
use_chocolate : Boolean property to enable/disable eat hot chocolate.
insta_path : Boolean property to enable/disable insta path.
addWorld : Add an geiger world (Not Working on me).
removeWorld : Remove an geiger world (Not Working on me).
addStorage : Add an storage world (Not Working on me).
removeStorage : Remove an storage world (Not Working on me).
spread : Boolean property to enable/disable spread world geiger & world storage.
geiger = getBot().auto_geiger
geiger.enabled = true
geiger.insta_path = true
geiger.use_chocolate = true
geiger.spread = true
geiger.addWorld = "world:id" --I didn't know this was part of a property or method?
geiger.removeWorld = "world:id" --I didn't know this was part of a property or method?
geiger.addStorage = "storage:id" --I didn't know this was part of a property or method?
geiger.removeStorage = "storage:id" --I didn't know this was part of a property or method?
auto_message Instance which accessible from bot struct.
enabled : A boolean indicating whether the auto-message feature is on or off.
type : A integer that represents type of the auto-message. [0 - Message, 1 - UID Message, 2 - List Message, 3 - Single Message]
ignore_admin : A boolean indicating if admins are ignored while messaging.
auto_sb : A boolean indicating if bot forced to go sb worlds.
loop_mode : A boolean, you can check information on menu by checking help-marker(?).
messaging : A read-only boolean that represents if bot is messaging. [List Message]
uid_count : A number indicating uid count.
growid_count : A number indicating growid has received the message. (maybe).
message : A string indicating message.
start() : A function that will start messaging.
load() : Loads uid-list from file.
save() : Saves uid-list to a file.
clear() : Deleted uid-list file + Clears uids that collected.
auto_cook instance which accessible from bot struct.
x : Set position x on cooking world.
y : Set position y on cooking world.
world : Set cooking world.
ingredient_storage : Set ingredient storage world.
food_storage : Set food storage world.
interval : The interval between packets.
is_cooking : A boolean indicating whether the bot is cooking or not.
setActive(index: number, active: boolean) : A function that changes state of selected tiles on menu.
setFood(index: number) : A function that updates selected food by food index. Range: [0, 33]
setTemperature(level: number) : A function that updates selected temperature. (0: low, 1: medium, 2: high)
start() : A function that starts auto-cook.
stop() : A function that stops auto-cook.
cook = getBot().auto_cook
for i = 0, 63 do
cook:setActive(i, true)
end = "world:id"
cook.x, cook.y = 23, 23
cook.ingredient_storage = "storage:id"
cook.food_storage = "storage:id"
cook:setFood(0) -- Berry Crepes
cook:setTemperature(1) -- Low Temperature
while cook.is_cooking do
print("Bot is currently cooking berry crepes.")
auto_parkour instance which accessible from bot struct.
enabled : A boolean indicating whether the auto-parkour feature is on or off.
type : The type of parkour (0: wolf, 1: fenrir, 2: clash, etc).
limit : The limit of the consuming ticket.
setWebhook(webhook_link: string) : A function that updates the webhook link.
setTicket(world_with_id: string) : A function that updates the ticket storage. (Must be uppercase.) (Format: NAME|ID)
setReward(world_with_id: string) : A function that updates the reward storage. (Must be uppercase.) (Format: NAME|ID)