
A structure representing a bot.


  • name : The name of the bot.
  • status : The status of the bot.
  • captcha_status : The status of the captcha.
  • selected : Is bot selected on the menu.
  • gem_count : The number of gems the bot has.
  • pearl_count : The number of pearls the bot has.
  • voucher_count : The number of voucher the bot has.
  • level : The level of the bot.
  • is_account_secured : A read-only property that returns whether the bot account is secured.
  • move_interval : The interval between movement packets on pathfinding.
  • move_range : The range between tiles while pathfinding.
  • rest_time : Rest time of the bot.
  • rest_interval : The interval between rests.
  • consume_id : The item id of the consumable.
  • consume_interval : The interval between consumes.
  • consumed_once : Is bot consumed a consumable once (You can toggle this off for forcing to consume).
  • auto_reconnect : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-reconnect.
  • auto_accept : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-accept.
  • auto_leave_on_admin : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-leave when an admin is in the world.
  • auto_leave_on_mod : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-leave when a mod is in the world.
  • auto_ban : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-ban.
  • auto_tutorial : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-tutorial.
  • auto_collect : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-collect.
  • auto_consume : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-consume.
  • auto_trash : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-trash.
  • auto_rest_mode : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-rest-mode.
  • auto_take_pickaxe : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-take-pickaxe.
  • auto_expand_inventory : A boolean property that enables/disables auto-expand-inventory.
  • legit_mode : A boolean property that enables/disables legit-mode.
  • reconnect_interval : Reconnect interval of the bot.
  • ignore_gems : A boolean property that enables/disables ignoring gems.
  • ignore_essences : A boolean property that enables/disables ignoring essences.
  • object_collect_delay : A number property that sets the delay for collecting spawned objects.
  • collect_all : A bool property that enables/disables collect all mode while collecting.
  • collect_path_check : A bool property that enables/disables path check while collecting.
  • collect_interval : A number property that sets the interval for collecting.
  • collect_range : A number property that sets the range for collecting.
  • console : Console Instance.
  • log : Log Instance.
  • collectByID : idk hehe
  • anti_toxic : A bool property that enables/disables anti toxic waste
  • bypass_logon : A bool property that enables/disables anti bypass logon gt client
  • tutorial_world : Returns the tutorial world of the bot (maybe).
  • anti_fire : A bool property that enables/disables anti fire
  • obtained_gem_count : Returns the number of gems the bot has obtained.
  • maximum_ping : Set maximum ping of the bot running script.
  • disconnect_on_rest : Boolean property that enables/disables disconnecting on rest.
  • auto_take_pickaxe : Boolean property that enables/disables auto-take-pickaxe.
  • home_world : Returns the home world name of the bot (maybe).
  • move_x : Tile X offset of bot.
  • move_y : Tile Y offset of bot.
  • auto_geiger : auto_geiger Instance.
  • auto_message : auto_message Instance.
  • auto_spam : auto_spam Instance.
  • auto_crime : auto_crime Instance.
  • auto_farm : auto_farm Instance.
  • auto_fish : auto_fish Instance.
  • auto_cook : auto_cook Instance.
  • auto_carnival : auto_carnival Instance.
  • auto_parkour : auto_parkour Instance.
  • auto_transfer : auto_transfer Instance.
  • auto_harvest : auto_harvest Instance.
  • auto_plant : auto_plant Instance.
  • auto_set_pos : auto_set_pos Instance.
  • auto_fossil : auto_fossil Instance.
  • auto_build : auto_build Instance.
  • auto_combine : auto_combine Instance.
  • auto_event : auto_event Instance.
  • auto_synth : auto_synth Instance.
  • auto_clear : auto_clear Instance.
  • Soon : Please Dm Me If Something Not Here


  • startRole(Role: role) -> boolean : Start role quest (fish, build, startopia, cook, farm, surg)
  • getRoleMission() -> string : Returns the current role mission.
  • finishRole() -> boolean : Submit role quest
  • stopRole() : Stop current role quest
  • isInTutorial() -> boolean : Returns whether the bot is in tutorial.
  • wrenchPlayer(netID: number) : Wrench player with netID.
  • activate(id: number) : not sure what this does
  • updateUbiBot(email: string, password: string, user: string) : Updates UbiBot.
  • isSupporter() -> boolean : Return true if the bot is a supporter.
  • updateProxy(proxy_data: string) : Update proxy.
  • setPlatform(platform: string) : Set Login platform.
  • isInArea(px: number, py: number, dx: number, dy: number) -> boolean : Not sure what this does (maybe for npc)
  • isRunningScript() -> boolean : Checks if the bot is running a script.
  • isResting : Checks if the bot is resting.
  • getWorld() -> World : Returns bot world.
  • getInventory() -> Inventory : Returns bot inventory.
  • getConsole() -> Console : Returns bot console.
  • getLog() -> Log : Returns bot log.
  • getLogin() -> Login : Returns bot login.
  • getProxy() : Returns proxy instance of bot.
  • getPlaytime() : Returns account playtime of bot.
  • getAge() : Returns account age of bot.
  • getActiveTime() : Returns active time of bot as string.
  • getPing() -> number : Returns the ping value of the bot.
  • getSignal() -> Signal : Returns the latest geiger signal.
  • getCaptcha() -> string : Returns the captcha link if bot is received.
  • connect() -> boolean : Makes bot connect to the game server.
  • disconnect() : Makes bot disconnect from the game server.
  • sendRaw(packet: GameUpdatePacket) : Sends Raw packet if its valid & connected & no captcha.
  • sendPacket(type: number, packet: string) : Sends packet if its valid & connected & no capctcha.
  • warp(name: string) | warp(name: string, id: string) : Warps to specific world with id (optional).
  • say(text: string) : Sends a message to world, if bot is in a world.
  • use(item_id: number) : Uses the item if its consumable & in inventory.
  • wear(item_id: number) : Wears an item if bot isn't wearing.
  • unwear(item_id: number) : Unwears an item if bot is wearing.
  • drop(item_id: number, item_count: number) : Drops the item if item's id & count is valid.
  • trash(item_id: number, item_count: number) : Trashes the item if item's id & count is valid.
  • fastDrop(item_id: number, item_count: number) : Drops the item if item's id & count is valid.
  • fastTrash(item_id: number, item_count: number) : Trashes the item if item's id & count is valid.
  • buy(store_id: string) : Buys item from store with its store_id.
  • buy(item_id: number, item_count: number, max_price: number) : Buys item from vend.
  • retrieve(x: number, y: number, count: number) : Retrieves item from gaia etc.
  • retrieve(x: number, y: number) : Retrieves all items (200 max) from gaia etc.
  • active(x: number, y: number) : Sends Tile Active packet on a tile.
  • leaveWorld() : Leaves from world if bot is in a world.
  • setBubble(bubble: BubbleType) : Sets Bot bubble status, you can check enum for more information.
  • place(x: number, y: number, item: number) : Places block if its valid.
  • hit(x: number, y: number) : Hit to tile if range safe & valid position.
  • wrench(x: number, y: number) : Wrench to tile if range safe & valid position.
  • wrenchPlayer(netID: number) : Wrenchs to a player if player exists.
  • moveTo(difference_x: number, difference_y: number) : Moves to tile with x and y difference. Ex: moveTo(1, 0) makes u move right.
  • moveTile(tilex: number, tiley: number) : Moves to the tile if range safe & valid position.
  • moveLeft() : Moves bot to left if its valid position
  • moveLeft(range: number) : Moves bot to left if its valid position
  • moveRight() : Moves bot to right if its valid position
  • moveRight(range: number) : Moves bot to right if its valid position
  • moveUp() : Moves bot to up if its valid position
  • moveUp(range: number) : Moves bot to up if its valid position
  • moveDown() : Moves bot to down if its valid position
  • moveDown(range: number) : Moves bot to down if its valid position
  • enter() : Enters the door, if there is door.
  • enter(pass: string) : Enters the password door with custom password.
  • respawn() : Respawns the bot.
  • getPath(x: number, y: number) -> table : Returns table of PathNodes if path found. Returns empty table if not found.
  • findPath(x: number, y: number) : Finds tile path and moves to destination.
  • findWorldPath(x: number, y: number) : Finds world path and moves to destination.
  • collectObject(oid: number, range: number) : Collects the object if bot is in range.
  • collect(range: number, interval: number) : Collect all objects by range and interval.
  • isInWorld() -> bool : Returns true if bot is in a world.
  • isInWorld(name: string) -> bool : Returns true if bot is in a world with name.
  • isInTile(x: number, y: number) -> bool : Returns true if the bot is in the tile.
  • isInTile(point: Tile) -> bool : Returns true if the bot is in the tile.
  • updateBot(name: string) : Updates bot.
  • updateBot(name: string, password: string) : Updates bot.
  • updateBot(name: string, mac: string, rid: string) : Updates bot.
  • updateBot(name: string, password: string, mac: string, rid: string) : Updates bot.
  • setSkin(id: number) : Skin id of the bot. (1 to 6).
  • setDirection(faceleft: boolean) : Sets facing of the bot.
  • setCountry(country: string) : Changes bot country. (Must re-connect)
  • setMac(mac: string) : Changes mac address of the bot.
  • setRid(rid: string) : Changes rid value of the bot.
  • runScript(content: string) : Runs custom script on bot.
  • stopScript() : Stops running script of the bot.
  • Soon : Please Dm Me If Something Not Here


The Tile class represents a single tile in the game world.


  • fg : The foreground tile ID.
  • bg : The background tile ID.
  • x : The x-coordinate of the tile.
  • y : The y-coordinate of the tile.
  • parent : The parent object of the tile.
  • flags : The flags set for the tile.


  • hasExtra() -> boolean : Returns true if the tile has an extra data field, false otherwise.
  • getExtra() -> TileExtra : Returns a pointer to the extra data field for the tile. Returns nil if the tile has no extra data.
  • canHarvest() -> boolean : Returns true if tree is ready.
  • hasFlag(flag: number) -> boolean : Returns true if the flag is actived on tile.


The Tile Extra class represents a single tile in the game world.


  • type -> number : Tile Extra Type
  • length -> number : Label Length
  • label or audio_label -> string : Tile Label
  • crystal_count -> number : Tile Crystal Count
  • locked -> number : is Door Locked
  • growth : Tile Growth Data
  • uid or owner -> number : Primary UID
  • id or item1 -> number : Primary Item ID
  • shelf1 -> number : Shelf Item #1
  • shelf2 -> number : Shelf Item #2
  • shelf3 -> number : Shelf Item #3
  • shelf4 -> number : Shelf Item #4
  • note -> number : Note ID of steam organ
  • note_volume -> number : Note Volume of Audio
  • temperature -> number : Oven Temperature
  • slab_state -> number : Slab State
  • kranken_pattern_id -> number : Kranken Pattern
  • cycle -> number : Infinity Weather Cycle
  • storm_cycle -> number : Storm Cloud Cycle
  • big_node -> number : Chemsynth Big Node Color ID
  • small_node -> number : Chemsynth Small Node Color ID
  • hat -> number : Hat ID
  • shirt -> number : Shirt ID
  • pant -> number : Pant ID
  • shoes -> number : Shoes ID
  • eye -> number : Eye ID
  • hand -> number : Hand ID
  • wing -> number : Wing ID
  • hair -> number : Hair ID
  • neck -> number : Neck ID
  • pet_count -> number : Pet count on cage
  • ghost_count -> number : Ghost Jar count on SSU
  • expression -> number : Facial Expression
  • admin_count -> number : Admin Count on a Lock or VIP Entrance
  • egg_count -> number : Bunny Egg Count
  • gbc_count -> number : Golden Booty Chest Count on Well of Love
  • fish_count -> number : Fish Count on Port
  • item_count -> number : Item Count
  • ingredient_count -> number : Ingredient Count on Oven
  • command_count -> number : Command Count on Cybots
  • item_price -> number : Item Price on Vend
  • food_satiety -> number : Food Satiety of Silkworm or Fish
  • water_satiety -> number : Water Satiety of Silkworm
  • cloud_animation_time -> number : Cloud Animation Time on Storm Cloud
  • is_angelic_punched -> number : Angelic Cloud is punched
  • role -> number : Portrait Role ID (6 = default)
  • xp -> number : Training Fish XP
  • spirit_item_count -> number : Spirit Item Count
  • sick_growth -> number : Sick growth of Silkworm
  • status -> number : Status of Automation Machines (Tm, Hog)
  • level -> number : Training Fish Level
  • required_player_count -> number : Required player count for spirit board.
  • gem_count -> number : Gem count on automation machines
  • item2 -> number : Item2 (TOE 2nd Item)
  • item2_count -> number : Item2 Count
  • fruit_count -> number : Fruit Count of a Tree
  • random_number -> number : Random Number on block like dice (Starts from 0)
  • achievement -> number : Achievement ID
  • mount_lb -> number : Displaying Fish Mount LB
  • lb -> number : Fish LB
  • toe_harvesting -> boolean : Toe Harvesting Enabled
  • toe_collecting_seeds -> boolean : Toe Collecting Seeds Enabled
  • emote_timer -> number : Emote Timer of Silkworm
  • flags -> number : Checkbox Flags
  • instrument -> number : Instrument on Steam Organ
  • angelic_value -> number : Angelic Value as Number
  • emote -> number : Silkworm Emote
  • skincolor or blockcolor or itemcolor or color -> number : Color
  • CONTAINER_4 -> DATA1 : Will be accessed by functions. This will contain datas like admin uids, crystal ids, ingredients etc


The object class represents an object in a world.


  • id : The item ID of object.
  • oid : The object id.
  • count : The item count of object.
  • flags : The object flags.
  • x : The x-coordinate of object.
  • y : The y-coordinate of object.


The World class represents a game world. It contains information about the size of the world, tiles, objects, players, and NPCs.


  • name : The name of the world.
  • x : The width of the world.
  • y : The height of the world.
  • tile_count : The total number of tiles in the world.
  • growscan : A Growscan object representing the world's growscan.
  • tiles : A table containing all the Tiles in the world.
  • objects : A table containing all the NetObjects in the world.
  • players : A table containing all the Players in the world.
  • npcs : A table containing all the Npcs in the world.
  • adventures : A table containing bot adventure item data in the world.
  • public : A boolean value indicating whether the world is public or not.
  • version : The version of the world.


  • getTile(x: number, y: number) -> Tile : Returns the Tile object at the specified x,y position.
  • getObject(x: number) -> NetObject : Returns the NetObject object at the specified objectid(oid).
  • getPlayer(netID: number | string) -> Player : Returns the NetAvatar object with the specified player netID or name. It returns nil if not found.
  • getNPC(npcID: number) -> NPC : Returns the NetNPC object with the specified NPC ID. It returns nil if not found.
  • getAdventure(index: number) -> Adventure : Returns adventure data at index.
  • getTiles() -> table<Tile>& : Returns tiles.
  • getTilesSafe() -> table<Tile> : Returns copy of tiles.
  • getObjects() -> table<NetObject> : Returns objects.
  • getPlayers() -> table<Player> : Returns players.
  • getNPCs() -> table<NPC> : Returns npcs.
  • getAdventures() -> table<Adventure> : Returns adventure datas.
  • getLocal() -> Player : Returns the NetAvatar object representing the local player.
  • getTileParent(tile: Tile) -> Tile : Returns the Tile that the specified Tile is attached to.
  • hasAccess(x: number, y: number) -> boolean : Returns true if the player has access to the specified x,y position, false otherwise.
  • hasAdventure(adventure_item: number) : Returns true if bot has adventure_item actived.
  • isValidPosition(x: number, y: number) -> boolean : Returns true if the specified x,y position is within the bounds of the world.


ProxyManager that handles proxies.


  • auto_switch : Boolean property to automatically switch proxies.
  • switch_on_block : Boolean property to automatically switch proxies on block.
  • switch_on_ban : Boolean property to automatically switch proxies on ban.
  • switch_on_shadow : Boolean property to automatically switch proxies on shadow ban.
  • auto_check : Maybe for checking all proxies status.
  • use_rotate : Boolean property to automatically rotate proxies.
  • localize : Built-in Localize Country feature (Boolean).
  • spread : Built-in Spread Proxy feature (Boolean).


  • addProxy(proxy_data: string) : Adds proxy to list.
  • removeProxy(ip: string, port: string) : Removes proxy from list.
  • setLimit(new_limit: number) : Sets bot limit in 1 proxy.


A structure representing a console for displaying text.


  • contents : a string table containing the current contents of the console.


  • append(text: string) : appends the specified text to the console content.


A structure representing a log for displaying text.


  • content : a string containing the current content of the logs tab.


  • append(text: string) : appends the specified text to the log content.
  • clear() : clears the logs.


A structure that holds login details like growid, password, mac, klv or so.


  • mac : Mac Address of the bot.
  • rid : Rid of the bot.
  • device_id : Return ID device of the bot use.
  • gid : Return gid.
  • aid : Return aid.
  • vid : Return vid.
  • cbits : Return cbits.
  • name : Return login growid name.
  • requested_name : Return default login growid (SmellGrip and etc).
  • is_guest : Return true if the bot is a guest.
  • country : Return country of the bot.
  • platform_id : Return login platform id of the bot.
  • filter_messages : Return true if filter_messages enabled in bot settings.


A container that have details about latest geiger area.


  • x : Tile position x of signal.
  • y : Tile position y of signal.
  • type : GeigerArea type.


The Inventory class represents a player's inventory in the game. It contains information about the items the player has, including the item ID, count, and whether the item is active.


  • items : A table containing all the InventoryItem objects in the inventory.
  • itemcount : The number of items in the inventory.
  • slotcount : The number of slots available in the inventory.
  • version : The version of the inventory.


  • getItem(itemID: number | string) -> InventoryItem : Returns the InventoryItem with the specified item ID. It returns nil if not found.
  • getItems() -> table : Returns a table containing all the InventoryItem objects in the inventory.
  • findItem(itemID: number | string) or getItemCount(itemID: number | string) -> number : Returns the InventoryItem count with the specified item ID. It returns 0 if not found.
  • canCollect(itemID: number) -> boolean : Returns true if the player can collect the item with the specified item ID, false otherwise.


A structure representing an item in an inventory.


  • id : an integer representing the ID of the item.
  • count : an integer representing the number of this item in the inventory.
  • isActive : a boolean indicating whether or not the item is currently weared.


The Clothes class represents the clothing items that a player's avatar is wearing. It contains information about each item, including the item ID.


  • hat : The ID of the hat the avatar is wearing.
  • shirt : The ID of the shirt the avatar is wearing.
  • pants : The ID of the pants the avatar is wearing.
  • shoes : The ID of the shoes the avatar is wearing.
  • face : The ID of the face item the avatar is wearing.
  • hand : The ID of the hand item the avatar is wearing.
  • wings : The ID of the wings item the avatar is wearing.
  • mask : The ID of the mask the avatar is wearing.
  • neck : The ID of the neck item the avatar is wearing.
  • ances : The ID of the accessory item the avatar is wearing.
  • unk1 : An unknown value related to the avatar's clothing.
  • unk2 : An unknown value related to the avatar's clothing.


The Player class represents an in-game player and contains various properties to access information about the player.


  • name : The display name of the player.
  • altName : The alternative name of the player.
  • country : The country of the player as a string.
  • netid : The network ID of the player.
  • userid : The user ID of the player.
  • bubble : The text bubble of the player.
  • posx : The X position of the player.
  • posy : The Y position of the player.
  • vecx : The X velocity of the player.
  • vecy : The Y velocity of the player.
  • avatarFlags : The avatar flags of the player.
  • isModerator : A boolean indicating whether the player is a moderator.
  • isSuperModerator : A boolean indicating whether the player is a super moderator.
  • isLocalPlayer : A boolean indicating whether the player is the local player.
  • isFriendWithOwner : A boolean indicating whether the player is a friend of the owner.
  • flag2019 : The 2019 flag of the player.
  • skincolor : The skin color of the player.
  • roleskin : The role skin of the player.
  • roleicon : The role icon of the player.
  • clothes : An instance of the Clothes class representing the clothes of the player. See Clothes class documentation for more details.


The NPC class that represents a npc in a world. Which is like ghost, pinata etc.


  • type : The type of the npc.
  • id : The world index of the npc.
  • x : Current x-coordinate of npc.
  • y : Current y-coordinate of npc.
  • destx : Destination x of npc. (Aka next position)
  • desty : Destination y of npc. (Aka next position)
  • var : NPC variable.
  • unk : Unk Value.


The PathNode class represents a node in a pathfinding algorithm.


  • x : The x-coordinate of the node.
  • y : The y-coordinate of the node.


The Growscan class represents the result of a "growscan" operation, which is used to scan the environment around a player and identify nearby tiles and objects.


  • tiles : A table containing the IDs of the tiles that were found in the growscan, along with the number of times each tile was found.
  • objects : A table containing the IDs of the objects that were found in the growscan, along with the number of times each object was found.


  • getTiles() -> map<id, count> : Returns tiles.
  • getObjects() -> map<id, count> : Returns objects.


The ItemInfo class represents information about an item in the game. It contains information about the item's id, category, kind, collision, rarity, name, texture, and more.


  • id : The unique identifier for the item.
  • editable_type : The type of the item for the purpose of the item.
  • item_category : The category of the item.
  • action_type : The type of the item's action.
  • hit_sound_type : The type of the item's hit sound.
  • item_kind : The kind of the item.
  • collision_type : The type of the item's collision.
  • clothing_type : The type of clothing for the item, if its clothing.
  • rarity : The rarity of the item.
  • seed_color : The color of the seed base.
  • seed_overlay_color : The color of the seed overlay.
  • grow_time : The grow time of the item, if it is a plant.
  • drop_chance : The drop chance of the item.
  • name : The name of the item.
  • texture : The texture file for the item.
  • texture_hash : The hash of the texture file for the item.
  • texture_x : The x-coordinate of the texture for the item. (Sprite Position)
  • texture_y : The y-coordinate of the texture for the item. (Sprite Position)
  • null_Item : True if item name contains null.


Represents a packet that updates the state of an object in the game.


  • type : The type of packet.
  • object_type : The type of object change type.
  • count1 : A count variable used in certain types of packets.
  • count2 : A count variable used in certain types of packets.
  • netid : The network ID of the object/player... being updated.
  • item : The item being updated.
  • flags : A set of flags used in certain types of packets.
  • float_var : A floating point variable used in certain types of update packets.
  • int_data : An integer variable used in certain types of update packets.
  • vec_x | pos_x : The x position of a component being updated.
  • vec_y | pos_y : The y position of a component being updated.
  • vec2_x | pos2_x : The velocity x of a component being updated.
  • vec2_y | pos2_y : The velocity y of a component being updated.
  • particle_rotation : The rotation of a particle being updated.
  • int_x : An integer variable used in certain types of update packets. (Ex Tile Position)
  • int_y : An integer variable used in certain types of update packets. (Ex Tile Position)


A Vector2 is a container that holds x and y positions.


  • x : x position.
  • y : y position.


A Vector3 is a container that holds x, y and z positions.


  • x : x position.
  • y : y position.
  • z : z position.


Represents a variant type that can store different types of data.


  • getType() -> VariantType : Returns the type of the stored data.
  • print() : Dumps the stored data to a string.
  • set(string) : Sets the stored data to a string.
  • set(int) : Sets the stored data to an integer.
  • set(float) : Sets the stored data to a floating-point number.
  • set(float, float) : Sets the stored data to a 2D vector.
  • set(float, float, float) : Sets the stored data to a 3D vector.
  • set(vector2) : Sets the stored data to a 2D vector.
  • set(vector3) : Sets the stored data to a 3D vector.
  • reset() : Resets the stored data to an empty state.
  • getString() -> string : Returns the stored data as a string.
  • getInt() -> number : Returns the stored data as an integer.
  • getFloat() -> float : Returns the stored data as a floating-point number.
  • getVector2() -> Vector2 : Returns the stored data as a 2D vector.
  • getVector3() -> Vector3 : Returns the stored data as a 3D vector.


Represents a list of variant objects.


  • get(index) -> variant : Returns the variant object at the specified index.
  • print() -> string : Dumps the entire list to a string.




  • parameters : The list of parameters (table)
  • key : The key (string)
  • has_seperator : Whether or not the parameter has a separator at the end (boolean)


RTVAR represents a runtime variable that can have multiple parameters.


  • : Constructs a new RTVAR object with an empty parameter list.
  • : Constructs a new RTVAR object with the given string as its parameter list.
  • params() -> string : Returns the parameter list as a string.
  • append(key : string, value: string, separator: bool) : Appends a new parameter with the given key and value to the parameter list. If separator is true, a separator character is added at the end of the parameter list.
  • append(key : string, value: number, separator: bool) : Appends a new parameter with the given key and numeric value to the parameter list. If separator is true, a separator character is added at the end of the parameter list.
  • contains(key : string) -> bool : Returns true if the parameter list contains a parameter with the given key, false otherwise.
  • dump() -> string : Dumps the RTVAR to a string.
  • erase(key : string) : Removes the parameter with the given key from the parameter list.
  • find(key : string) -> number : Returns the RTPARAM with the given key, nil if its not found.
  • get(key : string) -> string : Returns the value of the parameter with the given key as a string.
  • getInt(key : string) -> number : Returns the value of the parameter with the given key as an integer.
  • getLong(key : string) -> number : Returns the value of the parameter with the given key as a long integer.
  • getParam(key : string) -> rtparam : Returns the rtparam with given key.
  • getParams(key : string) -> table : Returns the table of rtparams with given key.
  • modify(key : string, parameters: table, hasSeperator: boolean) : Modifies rtparam with the given key.
  • parse(str : string) : Parses a string and updates the parameter list accordingly.
  • size() -> number : Returns the number of rtparams in the RTVAR.


The Embed class represents an embed object that can be used to display rich content in a Discord message. It has the following properties and methods:


  • use : Boolean value indicating whether the embed should be used or not.
  • color : Integer value representing the color of the embed.
  • title : String value representing the title of the embed.
  • type : String value representing the type of the embed.
  • description : String value representing the description of the embed.
  • url : String value representing the URL associated with the embed.
  • thumbnail : String value representing the URL of the thumbnail image
  • image : The image url of the embed.
  • footer : Object representing the footer of the embed. It has the following properties:
  • text : String value representing the text of the footer.
  • icon_url : String value representing the URL of the icon associated with the footer.
  • author : Object representing the author of the embed. It has the following properties:
  • name : String value representing the name of the author.
  • url : String value representing the URL associated with the author.
  • icon_url : String value representing the URL of the icon associated with the author.


  • addField(name : string, value: string, inline: boolean) : Adds a new field to the embed. It takes three arguments:
  • name : String value representing the name of the field.
  • value : String value representing the value of the field.
  • is_inline : Boolean value indicating whether the field should be displayed inline or not.

Webhook class

A discord webhook class where you can send webhooks.


  • url : string : string variable representing the webhook url.
  • content : string : string variable representing the content of the message to be sent.
  • username : string : string variable representing the username of the webhook.
  • avatar_url : string : string variable representing the avatar url of the webhook.
  • embed1 : variable representing the first embed of the webhook message.
  • embed2 : variable representing the second embed of the webhook message.


  • makeContent() -> string : Function that returns the combined content of the message and its embeds. (Json format)
  • send() : Function that sends the webhook message.
  • edit(message_id : number) : Function that edits the webhook message with message_id.


HttpResult is a container where it stores http response datas.


  • body : The body of the HTTP response as a string.
  • error : An integer error code in case of a network error. If there was no error, this property returns 0.
  • status : The HTTP status code as an integer.


  • getError() : A function that returns a string error message in case of a network error.


HttpClient represents a class that uses curl library to send http/s requests.


  • content : A string that represents the HTTP request body.
  • method : A string that represents the HTTP method.
  • headers : A Lua table that represents the HTTP request headers. (Ex: headers["User-Agent"] = "Lucifer")
  • url : A string that represents the target URL.


  • setMethod(method : Method) : A function that sets the HTTP method.
  • setProxy(type : Proxy, proxydata: string) : A function that sets proxy.
  • removeProxy() : A function that removes proxy.
  • request() -> httpresult : A function that sends the HTTP request and returns an HttpResult object.